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Free Design Services and New Items in the Store!

A lot has been going on at The Store lately! As I type away, we have a new shipment of goodies being unpacked and arranged, ready for you to check out. It's always exciting to get new furniture pieces and accessories in. We love to help our customers choose what might be just right for their space at home! and did you know?! Our design services are free here at the store! Work with us to source some new items for your space and we will design the entire thing for FREE! we do the hardest part for you, creating and designing a space you and your family will love...A space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, a space to make memories in that will last a lifetime. Call, stop in or send us an email to make an appointment.

Scent is also important for a space, it evokes feelings and memories. We are now carrying candles made by Twenty West Candles, They offer premium soy wax candles and room sprays using clean scent technology. What this means is that there are essential oils blended in and all toxins and carcinogens have been eliminated. These are some high-quality candles that you can feel safe burning in your home. Twenty West candles also use either cotton wicks with zinc, lead or wood wicks. All of this together brings a beautifully clean, burning candles and room sprays.

Audra Haskins started Twenty West Candles a little over a year ago during the pandemic. Audra always wanted to do something like this and when the opportunity presented itself she did not hesitate. Audra and her husband, Mark, celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary the month they began their new venture so it only seemed appropriate to include this in the name. The couple met and married on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio. They live in northwest Forsyth and did a big road trip out west last year...Their compass, so to speak, has always pointed west.

Twenty West Candles and room sprays will not last long, stop in soon to snag your favorite scent!


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